Adding Lead Score Rules

PersonalizeWP offers powerful lead scoring options to allow you to associate values to actions that visitors to your site complete. By using lead scoring, you can make distinctions between visitors that are highly engaged in your content and services and those that are browsing your site for other reasons.

How do Lead Scores Work?

When a visitor completes an action on your site that has a Lead Score value attached to it, their activity will be added to their Visitor Profile activity log, and their individual Lead Score will then be added or remove to based on the value of that action.

For instance, if you have lead score rules that value a form submission as 10 points and a visit to your shop page as 5 points, then when your visitor completes these actions, their Lead Score will show as 15 points.

Accessing Lead Scoring Rules

You can access PersonalizeWP’s lead scoring tools by going to WP-Admin > Personalize > Dashboard > Lead Scoring.

On this screen, you can view a paginated list of all lead score rules including the type, item they are related to, and the value associated with them.

Create New Lead Score Rule

Clicking on Create Scoring Rule takes you to the screen where you can create a new lead score rule. You enter a name for your rule and then choose a type from the dropdown.

Visited Page

If you choose the Visited Page lead score type, you will be able to search for a page or post, or add your own URL, and then set a value to add when the user visits this page.

Purchased Product / Product Category

If you choose the Purchased Product lead score type, you will be able to search for a product or product category, and then set a value to add when the user buys this item.

Submitted Form

If you choose the Submitted Form lead score type, you will be able to search for a form, and then set a value to add when the user completes this form on your site.

Score Values

When entering a score value for a rule, you can choose to set a positive or a negative value. To add a negative value, add a minus sign before the number.

Click on the button to Create Rule and return to the list screen.

Lead Score Calculations

Visitors Lead Score calculations are automatically calculated when they are completed. For instance, if you have a lead score value of 10 for ‘Submitted Form’, then as soon as the visitor completes the form on their site, their lead score will be increased by 10.

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