Introduce our plugin to your audience and get rewarded

Experience firsthand how our features can transform website and businesses, and get rewarded in the process.

How to get started

Becoming an affiliate with PersonalizeWP is straightforward. Follow these steps and start benefitting from your referrals in no time.

Sign up

Fill out your details to apply to become a part of the PersonalizeWP family. We are excited to partner with you.

Share links

Promote PersonalizeWP and its suite of features like Visitor Profiles, Lead Scoring, and Real-Time Personalization.

Earn commission

For every sale you facilitate, you’ll earn a 20% commission. Let’s grow together with personalized content.

Why become an affiliate

Join us in pioneering the personalization of the web and start shaping the future of digital interactions today.

Earn 20% per sale

Earn a generous 20% commission for each successful referral for PersonalizeWP. With an extensive suite of personalization features, the earning potential is vast.

Share powerful insight

Recommend a service that understands user behavior. Build rich visitor profiles and offer a tailored experience to every user – a strong selling point for potential customers.

Dynamic content tools

Promote a product that offers dynamic content and personalized user experiences. Help your audience deliver targeted content with PersonalizeWP’s unique features.

Prioritised leads

Spread the word about PersonalizeWP’s lead scoring system, which enables users to identify and prioritise customers based on their engagement and likelihood to convert.

Who Qualifies?

Our affiliates already know their way around Personalize and can advocate for the many benefits to their audience.

You currently use the Personalize plugin

As a seasoned user of PersonalizeWP, you’ve seen firsthand the difference it makes in customising user experiences.

You’re familiar with our features

Your deep understanding of PersonalizeWP’s extensive feature set makes you an ideal guide for newcomers.

Your audience and users would also benefit

You understand the value of extending WordPress functionality through plugins, and so does your audience.

Apply today and start earning with referrals

Before you apply, please take a look at our affiliate terms & conditions and double check you are happy to continue.

Complete the form with your details and we will get back to you with the next steps to take.