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WordPress Block Editor and Full-Site Editing

PersonalizeWP seamlessly integrates with the WordPress Block Editor, giving you the ability to add powerful, targeted personalization to your posts, pages, patterns, templates, and navigation menus. This functionality allows you to create unique experiences for different audience segments, all within the familiar WordPress editing interface. Here’s a guide to using PersonalizeWP with the Block Editor to enhance your site’s personalization.

How PersonalizeWP Works with the Block Editor

PersonalizeWP extends the functionality of the Block Editor by adding personalization options directly to blocks. This means you can control the visibility and content of specific blocks based on various conditions, such as user location, logged-in status, referral source, and more. You can also set up personalization rules to change content across templates and navigation menus, creating a consistent, dynamic experience across your site.

Personalizing Blocks in Posts and Pages

1. Open Your Post or Page in the Block Editor

Navigate to the post or page where you’d like to add personalized content and open it in the WordPress Block Editor.

2. Select the Block to Personalize

Choose any block, such as text, image, button, or even custom blocks, that you want to personalize.

3. Enable Personalization Options

With PersonalizeWP installed and activated, you’ll see an additional “Personalize” option in the block settings sidebar when a block is selected. Click on “Personalize” to access the personalization settings.

4. Set Up Personalization Rules

Define the specific rules and conditions under which the block should be displayed. You can use a range of conditions, such as:

  • User Location – Show content based on the visitor’s country, region, or city.
  • Device Type: Target users on mobile, desktop, or tablet.
  • Referral Source: Display different content for users coming from social media, email, or search engines.
  • Logged-In Status: Show exclusive content to logged-in users or display calls to action for guests.
  • You can create multiple rules for a single block, allowing for highly specific and granular targeting.
5. Save and Publish

Once you’ve set your conditions, save your changes and publish the post or page. Your personalized content will now display to users according to the rules you’ve configured.

Personalizing Blocks in Patterns and Templates

Patterns and templates are powerful tools for building consistent layouts across your site. With PersonalizeWP, you can personalize blocks within these elements to display unique content across multiple pages and sections.

1. Access the Block Editor for Patterns or Templates

In your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Appearance > Editor to access site patterns or templates, or go to the Patterns Library if you’re creating a reusable pattern.

2. Select and Personalize Blocks

Choose the blocks you want to personalize, whether they’re part of the header, footer, sidebar, or main content area. This could include calls to action, featured images, or even hero sections. Just like in posts and pages, use the “Personalize” option in the block settings sidebar to apply conditions and visibility rules for each block.

3. Save and Update

Save your changes, and your template or pattern will now serve personalized content to users based on the specified conditions. This is particularly useful for global site elements, like a custom header message for logged-in users or region-specific announcements.

Personalizing Blocks in Navigation Menus

If you’re using Full Site Editing, then PersonalizeWP also enables you to personalize blocks within your site’s navigation menus, creating a tailored journey that starts as soon as users engage with your site.

1. Edit Navigation Menus in the Block Editor

Go to Appearance > Editor and select the Customize the theme you want to personalize.

2. Choose a Pattern or Template Part

For each menu item or block (such as a button or link), click the “Personalize” option in the block settings. Add rules that control the visibility of menu items. For instance:

  • Logged-In Users: Display different menu options to users who are logged in, such as links to exclusive content or account pages.
  • Campaign-Specific Links: Show campaign-specific links to users arriving from certain referral sources.
  • Region-Based Navigation: Personalize the navigation menu based on user location, allowing for region-specific links.
3. Save Your Pattern or Template Part

Save your menu, and users will see the appropriate menu items based on the rules you’ve set. This ensures a cohesive experience from the moment users interact with your site.

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