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  4. Personalization by Total Spend

Personalization by Total Spend

PersonalizeWP offers powerful personalization rules as part of it’s feature-set that allow you to show and hide content based on who they are, where they have come from and their behavoiurs and actions on your site.

By using personalization, you can create a more engaging and relevant user experience by tailoring content, recommendations, and interactions to individual preferences. This leads to increased user satisfaction and retention.

How does a Total Spend Rule help?

Tailored upsell or cross-sell recommendations can be shown based on how much a customer has spent. For example, high spenders could see premium or exclusive products that align with their purchasing behavior, while lower spenders may see deals on more affordable items.

High spenders can be rewarded with loyalty programs, exclusive offers, and early access to new products, making them feel valued and increasing the likelihood of repeat purchases.

For lower spenders, targeted content can encourage them to increase their total spend over time by offering incentives to reach a higher tier.

Creating Total Spend Rules

You can access PersonalizeWP’s personalization rule tools by going to WP-Admin > Personalize > Dashboard > Personalization.

On this screen, you can view a paginated list of all rules currently active and inactive, and an optional view by category.

Create Rule

Clicking on Create Rule takes you to the screen where you can create a new personalization rule. You enter a name for your rule, select the category you want to place it in, and then choose Conditions > Total Spend from the dropdown.

Next, you can select the comparator, which for this rule type only offers the option:

  • More Than
  • Less Than
  • Is Equal To

Then you can add a number from 0 upwards into the value field.

Click on the button to Create Rule and return to the list screen.

Using Total Spend Rules

You can choose a rule in the Personalize sidebar for any block that you can selected in the Block Editor.

Rules has it’s own dropdown, and you can select any of the rules that are active. In this instance, select your chosen new visitor-based rule and then determine the behaviour for that block (show/hide) if the visitor meets that criteria.

If you wish, you can add multiple rules to the same block, even those of a different type and category – for instance, new visitor and location.

You can also combine a personalization rule with segments and lead score values to create highly targeted content.

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