
Works with your favourite WordPress plugins

Bring the power of your favourite WordPress plugins to PersonalizeWP with our direct integrations that allow you to add store information and show personalised content to your visitors

Gravity Forms

Capture user details using Gravity Forms and send it to PersonalizeWP

PersonalizeWP integrates directly into Gravity Forms via the form settings section for each form on your site, and requires no installation or action on your part.

All you need to do is map the fields in your form to our Visitor Profile fields and when your users submit their details, they will be stored automatically. 


Understand sales journeys and segment by product purchase

PersonalizeWP has deep integration with WooCommerce, allowing us to understand product and category purchases, associate visitor profiles with orders and provide dedicated personalisation rules for use on your site.

Set up segments for users based on the products and categories of products they purchase and show them content based on what they have in their cart. 

Advanced Custom Fields

Decide which ACF Blocks to show or hide to your website visitors

We developer PersonalizeWP to work directly with the Block Editor, and thanks for ACF Blocks, it means that there are no barriers to using PersonalizeWP on sites built using Advanced Custom Fields – it works in exactly the same way!

You can use any of our personalisation rules, segments, lead scores and access controls in the same way as if you were using native blocks. 


Use the data from your forms to build Visitor Profiles

Developers that need unlimited configurations of their forms prefer to use WSForm as it offers so many integrations and features.

PersonalizeWP integrates directly with WSForm, meaning that you can send all the data you capture to Visitor Profiles and then use that data on your front-end website.

Kadence Blocks

Utilise your powerful Kadence Blocks to show and hide content

Kadence have led the way in delivering an easy-to-use and flexible block framework that allows editors to create amazing WordPress sites.

And as Kadence is block-based, it works directly with PersonalizeWP without the need for any integration or additional plugins.

Ninja Forms

Capturing data with PersonalizeWP is straightforward

If you use Ninja Forms on your WordPress website, we’ve got you covered. PersonalizeWP integrates directly, meaning that it works out of the box if you have both products installed – no need to install any additional plugins or code.

And better yet, you can map any field you choose to a Visitor Profile.

Is there a plugin that we should integrate with?

If your favourite plugin isnt in the above list and you’d like us to consider integrating with it, fill in the form and let us know! 

We’re keen to hear your thoughts on what should be next in our roadmap and how you think you would use it.

And if we do integrate it, we’ll let you know when it’s coming up for release, offer you a trial of a beta version and give you a 10% off discount for a license. 

Recommend a Plugin

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Can’t wait? Try out our PersonalizeWP Pro version now…

If you just want to play around with the Pro version of our plugin, you can do that straight away – click on the button and we’ll spin up a new site with the Pro version installed ready for you to test….