PersonalizeWP Adds New Features in Version 2.2

In this post, we’re going to break down the key improvements and how you can take advantage of them on your own site. 

We’ve released version 2.2 of PersonalizeWP and it includes major new features that will allow you to increase the personalization of your site and deliver more fine-grained control over the content that you show to your visitors. 

In this post, we’re going to break down the key improvements and how you can take advantage of them on your own site. 

Access Controls

We have added a new access control feature to PersonalizeWP that now allows admins to manage the show/hide content blocks. This ability to perform content restriction is powerful functionality that allows you to deliver content on a fine-grained level. 

We provide three options: 

  • Password Protect – you can now put a password on a block so that a user needs to enter it before the block is displayed to them
  • User Role – you can show blocks to users based on their WordPress user role – such as subscriber, member, administrator or any custom roles you’ve added yourself
  • User ID – you can show a block to specific logged-in users

Find out more about how access controls work here

Display Visitor Profile Details

We have added the ability for content admins to inject a user’s visitor profile data into a block using native block editor controls. For instance, you will now be able to add the first name of a user in a sentence such as “Welcome back, Sophie”. This will help in terms of real personalisation where you use their information in content. 

You can use the following profile fields, with more to come in the future:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Country
  • WordPress User Role
  • WordPress User ID

Find out more about displaying profile data here

Integration with WS Form

Following on from our integrations with Gravity Forms and Ninja Forms, we have added  the increasingly popular WSForm, run by Mark Westguard. This works in a similar way to our existing integrations, and populate the visitor profile when the fields are mapped across. 

WSForm offers more than just standard form controls – it is one of the most flexible and integrated plugins available, and we are excited by this integration because of the additional and complementary opportunities it provides for the future as we build out our roadmap. 

See all of our plugin integrations here

Find out more about WS Form

WooCommerce Total Spend Rule

Rounding out the major features, we have added a completely new Personalisation rule type – WooCommerce Total Spend. This will allow you to set a custom rule which offers the ability to choose:

  • Total Spent (greater/less than or equal to a number)
  • Products purchased (greater/less than or equal to a number) 

This can be used by content admins to show/hide content based on whether a user has made purchases of a certain amount or size, which might be useful if you want to provide additional content or a discount code to users that spend > £100 for instance. 

Find out more about our Personalization rules

Find out more about WooCommerce

And there’s more

Of course, no release would be complete without a range of small fixes and updates that help to ensure the plugin is as stable and performance as possible.

You can find out more about these in the release notes / changelog. 

Want to learn more about how PersonalizeWP can help you?

Provide us your details and our team will get in touch to talk you through how other businesses are using PersonalizeWP and how they are increasing their sales revenue by doing so.

Or if you prefer, we can give you a 1-2-1 demo of the plugin in action and talk you through any questions you might have.

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